Each year, during the month of November, we remember our deceased loved ones at our Masses of Remembrance, especially those whose funerals took place in our churches across the three parishes. This year the masses will take place on the following dates:
- St Mark’s on Monday 11th of November at 7pm
- St Aidan’s on Tuesday 12th of November at 7pm
- St Thomas’ on Thursday 14th of November at 7pm
- The Church of The Incarnation Fettercairn on Sunday 17th of November at 9.30am
All are most welcome to attend as it is an opportunity to pray for all our deceased loved ones whether they died recently or long ago.
Also, envelopes for the November Altar list of the Dead are also available in the church porches to take home. The First Friday Mass of every month is offered for those whose names are on the Altar List for The Dead.

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